A place for me to keep track of the recipies I love and recipies I want to try

Monday, June 27, 2011

Christmas pudding

Aussies aeem to prefer plum pudding, but heres a traditional Engish pud

Traditionally made on the sunday before advent (about 5 weeks)
1lb/450g dried mixed fruit (raisins/sultanas/currants)
1oz/25g mixed peel
1 small cooking apple, peeled, cored and finely chopped
Grated zest and juice of 1/2 lge orange and 1/2 lemon
4 TB brandy, plus extra for soaking at the end
2oz/55g SR flour
1 level tsp ground mixed spice
1 1/2 tsp ground cinnamon
4oz/110g shredded suet
4oz/110g soft, dark brown sugar
4oz/110g white, fresh breadcrumbs
1oz/25g whole shelled almonds, roughly chopped
2 large eggs

Lightly butter a 2 1/2 pint/1.4 litre pudding basin
Place dried fruits, peel and juice in large mixing bowl, add brandy and stir well
Marinate for couple hours or overnight
Sift flour , spice and cinnamon in very large mixing bowl
Add suet, sugar, zest breadcrumbs and nuts, stir
Add dried fruit and stir again
Beat eggs lightly in small bowl then stir in quickly
Everyone have a turn at stirring, add coins and make a wish!

Spoon into bowl, pressing down with back of spoon
Cover with double layer of greaseproof paper, then aluminium foil, secure with string
Place pudding in steamer set over saucepan of simmering water
Steam for 7 hours
Check water doesn't boil dry
Remove from steamer and cool completely
Remove paper, prick with skewer and pour over extra brandy.
Cover with fresh greaseproof and retie string
Store in a cool dry place until Christmas!
Reheat by steaming again for about an hour

Flaming the pudding
Half fill metal ladle with brandy and heat over gas flame or candle
When flame is hot enough brandy will light
Pour over pudding

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